Thank you for your interest in the Dementia Isolation Toolkit. To help us understand how and where these tools are being used, we ask you to provide some information about your setting and location.

You also have the option to provide your name, the name of your institution or your email address. This information is not required to download the tools. We are asking for this information to be able to provide you updates about any new tools we post, and to invite you to participate in any future research studies about the toolkit. Your personal information will be kept secure and confidential and will not be shared outside the Dementia Isolation Toolkit research team. You will be able to request to be removed from our mailing list at any point.


  • To download the toolkit, please provide the following required information:

  • (ex. Canada)
  • Subscribe for updates or to hear about opportunities to participate in future research:

    (Not required to proceed to download)